Blue Moon (The Immortals #2) by Alyson Noel

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
Published: 2009-08-04
Alyson's Noël's bestsselling Immortals series has been hailed as "addictive" "beautiful" "haunting" and "mesmerizing." In the second installment, Blue Moon, Ever can bring her family back from the dead—but only if she's willing to sacrifice the guy she loves more than life itself. Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. As…

SPOILER ALERT! This review may have possible spoilers on it. Have you read Evermore? Check out my review here.

After giving Evermore a rating of 2 out of 5, you’d think I would drop the series and get on with my life. I didn’t. I read Blue Moon right after because I was intrigued with Damen and the plot for this book. He’s getting weaker, but why and how?

The book starts with Ever and Damen all lovey-dovey and happy because Dina was dead and they could spend eternity together without worrying about bad people tearing them apart. But we all know that’s not the case or there wouldn’t be 5 more books in the series, right?

So anyway, Damen has been teaching Ever the Immortal’s way of life and how to control her ~~powers~~. But she figures she has an eternity to learn so she’s been stalling the lessons. I find it funny that she’s using his lust to her advantage; making him manifest a bouquet of flowers he asked her to practice on so she won’t do it herself.

There’s a new guy in town and Ever doesn’t like him. She feels like there’s something different about him but Damen seems to be fine with it so she tries to be as friendly as she can be. After a few days Damen was weaker and can’t even do a simple manifestation. Ever, of course, worries and concluded that something was wrong and maybe Roman [the new guy] is behind it. But she can’t prove it so she tries to figure out what’s wrong with Damen by going to Summerland with Ava.

What’s to like in this book? I don’t know, there’s no depth in it. Everyone is still shallow and useless. I did feel sad for Ever when Damen changed and ignored her. And then there was the near-end part where I wanted to slap her for being so stupid. I don’t like how the “fight” happened but I’m glad Damen’s okay. Though the way it ended gives hope for a better future? I don’t know.

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